Monthly PTA Meeting

Dear Methow Valley Students, Staff, Parents, and Community Members,
It's official! The Family and Teacher Association of Methow Valley (FTA), now affiliated with the Washington State PTA, has established the PTA of the Methow Valley. On October 6, 2023, the FTA of Methow Valley invited Washington State PTA representatives to provide us information about becoming a PTA - a group affiliated with both WSPTA and National PTA. The attendees at that meeting voted to continue the affiliation process, and our application for affiliation was approved by the WSPTA executive committee.
*With a desire to increase "Family and Community Engagement," one of the MVSD's "Six Strategic Areas of Focus," we are ready to begin accepting charter members! The online join link is * *;the cost to become a member this year is $10. The charter member period will be open until the charter meeting, which is tentatively scheduled for December 1st. At least 25 members are needed by December 1st to complete the chartering process. *
*Please join us today! Our charter members will be captured in perpetuity as part of the charter plaque. *
We are excited to continue partnering with you to support our local students.
PTA of the Methow Valley!