Student Athlete Eligibility: Grade checks and attendance

Grade Checks

Athletics are co-curricular in the MVSD and a key part of our commitment to promoting fit, healthy, active youth. Our system of eligibility checks fosters the academic success of our student athletes and is integral to justifying the considerable expenditures associated with Liberty Bell sports. 

The success of this system lies in the fact that it helps to facilitate conversations between students and teachers, allowing time for intervention before students become gravely at risk for failing classes. Please note, student athletes who fail classes may lose athletic eligibility in the ensuing sports season. Eligibility reviews will be conducted at the end of each semester. 

Here’s the process for our weekly grade checks:

  • Skyward report will be run on Thursday morning in order to identify students who are below the academic standard–this report will determine eligibility for the following week

  • Academic eligibility slips will be available to coaches for distribution on Thursday afternoon

  • Students turn in eligibility forms to the office

  • LB staff use these forms to maintain eligibility spreadsheet

  • Coaches are responsible for confirming (via the spreadsheet or communication with the office) whether or not their athletes are eligible to compete

  • Teachers can access the eligibility spreadsheet if they have questions about who is eligible or ineligible at any given time


As stated in the Liberty Bell Extracurricular Honor Code: Students must fully attend all classes on the day of any activity and/or practice in order to participate that day, unless given approval by the Principal or Activities Director or unless the absence is excused. Absences must be excused by the end of the school day unless student-athletes have arranged for an extension with the Principal or Activities Director. Students that go home sick may not return later in the day for games or practice. The following absences are excused:

  • Family events with a planned absence form turned in ahead of time

  • Other planned absences with the form turned in ahead of time

  • Medical appointments, family emergencies (ex. death in family)

  • Mechanical/transportation issues

  • School sponsored activities

The following absences are not excused:

  • Family events without a planned absence form turned in ahead of time.
  • Other planned absences without the form turned in ahead of time
  • Parent/guardian permission for any reason besides listed under excused absences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: An athlete says that the teacher is not around to sign the slip–can they become eligible to compete?

A: Yes, in the event that their teacher is out of the building for any extended period, students can submit evidence that they have completed their work to the athletic director, counselor, or other administrator. 

Q: What happens if a student presents a forged eligibility slip?

A: If it is determined that an athlete has forged a slip or otherwise competed while not eligible, their participation represents a violation of WIAA rules. We will self-report that violation, forfeit the contest, and the student and program in question will be placed on probation. Additional league or WIAA penalties may apply. 

Q: An athlete says that she has submitted work but it hasn’t been graded. Is she eligible to play?

A: Athletes need a signed form in order to be eligible. Students should respectfully advocate for themselves with their teachers and be mindful of the fact that teachers may not prioritize immediately grading work that is submitted late.

Q: What is considered a passing grade for the sake of athletic eligibility?

A:  A grade of a C- or better is required for athletic eligibility.

Q: If my athlete is passing all classes with a C- or better but is not at school, is he eligible to play or practice?

A: Athletes are not allowed to practice or play unless they have a valid, school-approved reason for missing school (e.g. doctors appointment, field trip, family emergency). If an athlete has an unexcused absence for any portion of the day, they are ineligible for practice and competition. Playing an athlete under those circumstances is a violation of MVSD and WIAA rules and can result in forfeiture and probation for the athlete and program. Additional league or WIAA penalties may apply. 

Q: What if an athlete loses their form?

A: The athlete should stop by the office and talk to Melissa Quigley to get another form.

Q: Can an athlete who is academically ineligible to compete attend practices?

A: Athletes are expected to continue to attend practice while working to bring their grades up to standard. 

Q: Can an athlete who is not academically eligible travel with a team (with the understanding that this athlete is not eligible to suit up or play)?

A: A: Given the impact of travel on time in the classroom and time available to complete missing work, athletes who are academically ineligible may not travel with their team.