Strength and Conditioning
Liberty Bell High School is proud to offer strength and conditioning (S&C) opportunities for all of our students. Students can access these opportunities in a number of ways, including:
Enrolling in Speed and Strength, a PE class offered multiple times each semester and open to all HS students
Attending Lion’s Den open gym sessions, available every school day both before and after school
Joining one of the Mountain Lion Clubs geared centered around S&C
Turning out for a LB sports team that integrates S&C into their practice time
Strength and Conditioning Coach Wendy Thomas
Taking a lead role in facilitating all these opportunities is Liberty Bell’s Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Wendy Thomas. Coach Thomas helps to coordinate the work being done by PE teachers, sport coaches, and club leaders, leads Mountain Clubs, and, perhaps most importantly, oversees open gym sessions in the Lion’s Den before and after school. This includes establishing training programs and working one-on-one with students around their S&C goals. Have a question about S&C at Liberty Bell? Reach out to Coach Thomas (S&C@methow.org) or Athletic Director Michael Wilbur (mwilbur@methow.org).